Hideki Yorimitsu is Professor at Kyoto University. He carried out his Ph.D. studies at Kyoto University in 2002 (Advisor: Prof. Koichiro Oshima). After finishing his postdoctoral research at University of Tokyo (Supervisor: Prof. Eiichi Nakamura), he joined Kyoto University as an assistant professor in 2003. He has been an associate professor since 2008. Then he was promoted to professor in 2015.
His research interests are development of new reactions utilizing organometallic species, transition metal catalysts, and heteroatoms; creation of new functional molecules based on new organic transformations. A discovery of new Pummerer chemistry based on thiophene derivatives to aromatic metamorphosis is presented in this lecture.
讲座现场座无虚席, Yorimitsu教授主要介绍了从经典的Pummerer重排发现新反应,并且讲解了硫甲基和卤素存在情况下,钯催化偶联的化学选择性,突破了一些传统的观念,让大家从一个新的角度对有机硫化物有了新的认识。