6月24日KojiSuzuki教授:Chemical Sensing Molecules for Bioanalysis


讲座题目:Chemical Sensing Molecules for Bioanalysis(化学优秀学者系列学术报告) .
主讲人:KojiSuzuki教授,Keio University .
主持人:田阳 .
开始时间:2016-06-24 15:30:00 .
讲座地址:闵行校区实验D楼207 .
主办单位:Betway必威西汉姆联 .
Koji Suzuki,Professor of Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Science andTechnology, Keio University, was born in 1954 in Tokyo. He received Bachelor(1977), Master (1979) and PhD. (1982) degrees of Engineering from KeioUniversity. He became a faculty member of Keio University in 1982, AssociateProfessor in 1993, and full Professor in 1998. From 1990 − 1992, he was a GuestProfessor at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich. He is nowthe President of the Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry (JSAC), the Chairof Analytical Division of the 116th Committee for Chemistry of FunctionalOrganic Chemicals at The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), andthe Cooperative Member of the Science Council of Japan (SCJ, Cabinet Office)and the Chair of Analytical Chemistry Division of SCJ. He received many awardsincluding The Chemical Society of Japan Award for Creative Work in 1997, TheHitachi Environment Foundation Environment Prize in 2005, The JSAC Award in2007, and The JASC-JAIMA Advanced Analytical Technology Award in 2009. Hisresearch focuses on chemical and biochemical sensors based on functionalmolecule creation.
