讲座题目:Elementary Chemical Processes of Photocatalysis of Methanol and Water on TiO2: A New Perspective on Photocatalysis
主讲人:杨学明 院士,中科院大连化物所副所长
主持人:何鸣元 院士
杨学明,中科院院士,中科院大连化物所副所长,博士生导师,杰青(2005)、长江学者(2009),973项目首席科学家,国家自然科学基金重点、创新群体以及国家重大科研仪器设备研制专项(VUV自由电子激光光源)负责人。长期从事气相与表面分子反应动力学研究。曾获国际自由基会议Broida 奖(2001),海外华人物理协会亚洲成就奖(2002),中科院杰出科学成就奖(2007),何梁何利基金科技进步奖(2008),周光召基金会杰出青年基础研究奖(2008),国家自然科学二等奖(2008,2014),陈嘉庚化学科学奖 (2010),德国洪堡研究奖(2011)。当选美国物理学会会士(2006),2011年当选为中国科学院院士,入选首批“万人计划”科技创新领军人才(2013)。研究成果两次入选中国十大科技进展新闻。现任美国科学促进会Science Advances杂志副主编,美国化学会JPC杂志高级编辑,CJCP杂志主编, 以及Int. Rev. Phys. Chem.、Chem. Soc. Rev.、PCCP、Chem. Phys.、Chem. Phys. Lett.等杂志编委。发表论文近300篇,其中Science 11 篇,Nature 1 篇。
Heterogeneous photocatalysis is an important area of research and has received great attentions from chemists, physicists as well as material scientists because of its potential applications in energy and environmental science and technology. For many years, surface photocatalysis was predominantly viewed as an electron or hole driven event. However, the detailed physical picture of how a specific surface photocatalytic reaction takes place remains unclear. During the last few years, we have developed a series of new experimental tools (2PPE, TOF-TPD and STM) in our laboratory in efforts to study photocatalysis of methanol and water on TiO2(110) under well defined experimental conditions, and try to understand the elementary chemical reaction processes of photocatalysis of methanol and water on TiO2. Using these techniques in combination with laser-surface photocatalysis, we have observed elementary chemical reaction processes of photocatalysis of methanol and water on TiO2(110). We have shown clearly the methanol photocatalysis on TiO2(110) proceeds in a number elementary steps, that can be understood using a ground state reaction picture. Photocatalytic reaction intermediate of methanol photocatalysis on TiO2(110) has also been observed using high resolution STM. In addition, strong photon energy effect on photocatalysis of both methanol and water has been observed. Experimental results also show that photocatalytic dissociation of water behaves very differently from methanol photocatalysis. These results cannot be explained by the widely accepted photocatalysis model based on electron or hole driven chemistry, suggesting that dynamics on surface is a crucial issue in photocatalysis. A chemical dynamics based model for photocatalysis is proposed to explain these new experimental observations.