11月13日-Loh Teck Peng:Bioinspired and Sustainable Organic Synthesis


报告题目:Bioinspired and Sustainable Organic Synthesis

报告人:Loh Teck Peng






Loh Teck Peng is professor of School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang Technological University. He obtained his PhD under the supervision of Prof. E. J. Corey at Harvard University in 1994. During 1994 to 2005, he did his independent research in National University of Singapore and was promoted to professor in 2004. In 2005, Prof. Loh moved to Nanyang Technological University and worked as the head of Division of Chemistry & Biological Chemistry. Then he  was promoted to associate chair (Research) of School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang Technological University. Prof Loh have recived a lot of important awards for his excellent contribution in synthetic and green chemistry, such as GlaxoSmithKline-Singapore National Institute of Chemistry (GSK-SNIC) Award in Organic Chemistry, Asia Core Program Lectureship Award (Taiwan and Japan), Fellow (Chemical Sciences) of the Academy of Sciences Malaysia (ASM), 1000 Talent Award et al.

   Prof. Loh’s research interests spanned a range of topics including the development of new reactions, asymmetric catalysis, green chemistry, biomimetic reactions, chemical genetics and total synthesis of architecturally complex organic molecules with interesting biological activities. His strategy is to forge a fruitful interplay of basic research in organometallic chemistry and catalysis, total synthesis of biologically relevant compounds and mimicking biological reactions. One of the major aims in his research is to discover new reagents and concepts that can either improve on the efficiency of existing reactions or make new organic transformations possible, thus facilitating the synthesis of drugs, new materials and other useful compounds. Another objective is to develop new organic transformations with predictable control of stereochemistry under very mild and environmentally friendly conditions. Furthermore, through the total synthesis of natural products, he aim to discover new reactions and concepts as well.
