报告题目:The mechanism of the bistability in crystals of dithioazolyl radicals
报告人:Juan J. Novoa
Juan J. Novoa,1981年在巴塞罗那大学获博士学位,1997年任巴塞罗那大学物理化学教授,是分子磁性研究的国际知名学者,主要从事分子电子结构、分子间相互作用、分子磁性等方面的理论研究,在, J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem., Nature Commun., Chemical Science等国际著名期刊上发表了270篇论文。
Dithioazolyl radicals are one of the experimentally best studied molecule-based magnets presenting magnetic bistability. Among them, TTTA (see the attached figure) can serve as a prototype for the study of bistability in molecule-based magnets, due to the large amount of available experimental data. In this work, the results of static and dynamic first-principles computations on the high- and low-temperature structures of the TTTA crystal are presented. These results shed light into the keys that govern the mechanism of the bistability in molecule-based magnets.