9月23日-Prof. Tetsuro Majima :Metal oxides mesocrystals with efficient charge transfer


报告题目:Metal oxides mesocrystals with efficient charge transfer

报告人:Prof. Tetsuro Majima




Tetsuro Majima 日本大阪大学科学与工业应用研究所教授,亚洲和大洋洲光 生物学会主席、日本光化学学会主席、日本光生物学会主席Langmuir杂志的资深 编辑(Senior Editor),ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces杂志的顾问编辑 (Editorial Advisory Board), the Journal of Physical Chemistry杂志的高级审稿人(top reviewer) ,在美国科学院院刊(Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA),先进材料杂志(Adv. Mater.),美国化学会期刊(J. Am. Chem. Soc.),自然化学期刊(Nature Chem.),以及德国应用化学期刊(Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.)等顶级期刊上发表论文400余篇, 邀请综述70篇,出版专著20本,主要从事光化学、辐射化学、超分子化学、多色激 光化学、电子转移化学、生物分子化学、单分子化学等领域的研究,具有很高的学 术声望。


The alignment of nanoparticle building blocks into ordered superstructures is one of the key topics in modern colloid and material chemistry. Metal oxide mesocrystals are superstructures of assembled nanoparticles of metal oxides and have potentially tunable electronic, optical and magnetic properties, which would be useful for applications ranging from catalysis to optoelectronics. Here we report a facile and general approach for synthesizing metal oxide mesocrystals and developing them into new nanocomposite materials containing two different metals. The surface and internal structures of the mesocrystals were fully characterized by electron microscopy techniques. Single-particle confocal fluorescence spectroscopy, electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy and time-resolved diffuse reflectance spectroscopy measurements revealed that efficient charge transfer occurred between n-type and p-type semiconductor nanoparticles in the composite mesocrystals. This behaviour is desirable for their applications ranging from catalysis, optoelectronics and sensing, to energy storage and conversion.
