报告题目:Colloidal Plasmonic Metal Nanocrystals
报告人:Prof. Jianfang Wang
报告人简介:王建方教授,1993年毕业于中国科技大学并取得学士学位,1996年取得北京大学化学硕士学位,师从严纯华院士,1996年秋赴美国哈佛大学,师从美国科学院院士Charles M. Lieber教授,研究的课题为半导体纳米材料的合成、结构表征,它们的力学、光学和电学性质研究,以及纳米器件制备,于2002年获得博士学位。从2002年至2005年在加州大学圣巴巴拉分校美国科学院院士Galen D. Stucky教授的研究组中从事博士后工作。于2005年8月加入香港中文大学物理系,主要研究方向为纳米材料的合成、排列和组装,包括纳米晶体、纳米棒和纳米线,测量单个纳米颗粒和它们排列组装后集体的光学和电学性质,以及纳米材料在生物科技上的应用。现担任Nanoscale副主编,在Nature, Science, JACS, Angew Chem, Adv. Mat.等杂志上发表论文多篇,论文引用超过1万次。
报告内容摘要: In this presentation, I will describe the syntheses of colloidal gold nanocrystals and discuss their plasmonic properties and applications. I will mainly describe the syntheses of gold nanospheres, nanorods and nanobipyramids. Their syntheses are all based on seed-mediated growth. Fine size tuning is realized through mild oxidation and anisotropic overgrowth, which allows for precise control of the plasmon resonance energies. All of gold nanocrystal samples have very narrow size distributions. Their sizes and therefore their localized plasmon energies can be readily varied over broad ranges by carefully controlling the synthetic conditions. I will then present the attractive plasmonic features of these gold nanocrystals, including their tunable plasmon wavelengths over a wide spectral range, extremely large absorption/scattering cross-sections, and large enhancements of local electric fields and densities of photonic states. Finally I will describe plasmonic applications based on our gold nanocrystals. Examples will include active plasmon switching, plasmonic catalysis, plasmonic sensing, time-temperature indicators and local photothermal heating.