7月16日Armen Zakarian:Recent Advances in the Synthesis of Natural Products


讲座题目:Recent Advances in the Synthesis of Natural Products

主讲人:Armen Zakarian 教授(UCSB)

主持人:高栓虎 教授






Armen Zakarian was born in Moscow, Russia, and studied Chemistry at Moscow State University and N.D. Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry, working in the field of carbohydrate synthesis. He moved to Florida to pursue doctoral studies under the direction of Professor R. A. Holton, working in the area of cationic epoxy alcohol cyclizations and the synthesis of polyether toxins (brevetoxins). After completing postdoctoral studies with Professor Larry Overman, Armen Zakarian began his independent carrier in 2004 as an Assistant Professor at Florida State University. In 2008, his group has moved to the University of California Santa Barbara. Since 2012, Armen Zakarian has held Full Professorship at UCSB. His research interests include medicinal and bioorganic chemistry and practical total synthesis of natural products on scale.


Practicality has become a central factor in the synthesis of complex molecules and natural products. On of limitations in unlocking the potential of natural products as drug leads is there availability or the ability to perform medicinal chemistry modifications with these complex substances. Advances on the strategy level that allow short, reproducible, and flexible routes to complex targets become essential to address these challenges. In this seminar, recent research on the synthesis of two natural products will be presented. One is muironolide A, a recent chlorinated polyketide of marine origin at an extreme end of the spectrum for scarcity. Another one is maoecrystal V, a unique caged Isodon terpenoid that become a distinguished target in the field of total synthesis.
