报告题目:DNA: Not Merely the Secret of Life
报告人:Prof. Nadrian Seeman
报告人简介:Nadrian Seeman教授,现任美国纽约大学化学系杰出教授,是DNA纳米技术领域的奠基人,他与他的学生、合作者一起创建和推动了DNA纳米技术领域的发展。因为其在纳米领域的杰出贡献,Seeman教授被授予费曼奖和2010年的Kavli纳米科学奖(纳米领域的最高奖)。其带领的研究团队在国际著名杂志Nature,Science,Nature子刊,PNAS,J. Am. Chem. Soc.上发表高水平学术论文290多篇,持有12项DNA纳米技术专利,论文影响因子高达20000次以上,H指数高达70。 DNA纳米技术专门研究利用脱氧核糖核酸或其他核酸的分子性质(如自组装的特性),来建构出可操控的新型纳米尺度结构或机械。 DNA纳米技术概念的基础最先由纳德里安·西曼(Nadrian Seeman)在1980年代早期阐述,在2000年后开始引起广泛的关注。这一领域的研究者已经构建了静止结构如二维和三维晶体结构、毫微管、多面体和其他任意的造型;和功能结构如纳米机器和DNA计算机。一些组建方法被用来构建拼装结构、折叠结构和动态可重构结构。现在,这种科技开始被用作解决在结构生物学和生物物理学中基础科学问题的工具;同时也被应用在结晶学和光谱学中来测定蛋白质结构。这项技术在分子电子学(molecular scale electronics)和纳米医学中的应用仍在研究中。
报告内容摘要:We build branched DNA species that can be joined using Watson-Crick base pairing to produce N-connected objects and lattices. We have used ligation to construct DNA topological targets, such as knots, polyhedral catenanes, Borromean rings and a Solomon's knot.
Nanorobotics is a key area of application. We have made robust 2-state and 3-state sequence-dependent programmable devices and bipedal walkers. We have constructed a molecular assembly line using a DNA origami layer and three 2-state devices, so that there are eight different states represented by their arrangements. We have demonstrated that all eight products can be built from this system. Recently, we have self-assembled a 3D crystalline array and reported its crystal structure to 4 Å resolution. We can use crystals with two molecules in the crystallographic repeat to control the color of the crystals. Rational design of intermolecular contacts has enabled us to improve crystal resolution to better than 3 Å. We are now doing strand displacement in the crystals to change the color of crystals, thereby making a 3D-based molecular machine; we can visualize the presence of the machine by X-ray diffraction. Thus, structural DNA nanotechnology has fulfilled its initial goal of controlling the internal structure of macroscopic constructs in three dimensions. A new era in nanoscale control awaits us.