3月24日-Edwin Constable-A sustainlable Materials Chemistry - Dream or Reality?


讲座题目:A sustainlable Materials Chemistry - Dream or Reality?
主讲人:Edwin Constable 瑞士巴塞尔大学Constable副校长
2015-03-24 15:00
       Professor Edwin (Ed) Constable has been involved in supramolecular chemistry since its inception and has published over 500 research papers and many books. He studied chemistry at St. Catherine's College, Oxford, completing his Part II with Dr Morrin Acheson studying acridine intercalators. His doctoral studies were also in Oxford, where he worked with Professor Ken Seddon on the design of metal complexes for solar cells. He then moved to Cambridge where he held sequentially an 1851 Research Fellowship, a University Demonstratorship and Lectureship and was a Fellow of Darwin and Robinson Colleges. In 1993 he accepted a call to the Chair of Inorganic Chemistry in Basel where he remained until 2000 when he returned to the United Kingdom to a Chair of Chemistry in Birmingham. In 2002 he returned to Basel where he currently holds a Chair of Chemistry. His scientific interests and expertise lie in metallosupramolecular and materials chemistry, especially in the use of metal ions for the assembly of novel architectures incorporating specific electronic or photophysical properties.


