12月15日-Prof. Sumeet Mahajan-From Nanospectroscopy to Biomedicine: Raman Spectroscopy and Related Label-Free Techniques


报告题目:From Nanospectroscopy to Biomedicine: Raman Spectroscopy and Related Label-Free Techniques

报告人:Prof.  Sumeet Mahajan

报告时间:2014年12月15日(星期一)下午 2:00


报告人简介:Education and Experiences:

1993–1998, B. Sc. in Chemistry, Indian  Institute  of  Technology.

1998–2003, Scientist, Defence Research & Development Organization, India.

2003– 2005, M.Sc. in Biomedical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology.

2005 –2008, Ph.D. in Chemistry, University of Southampton.

2008–2010, Postdoctoral Fellow, Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge.

2010–2012, EPSRC Fellow, Cavendish Laboratory and Department of Genetics, University of Cambridge.

2012–Present, Associate Professor & Director of Biomedical Imaging Center, Institute of Life Sciences and Department of Chemistry, University of Southampton. 


2011-Present, Raymond and Beverly Sackler Senior Research Fellowship, Magdalene College, Cambridge

2010 – 2013, EPSRC Cross-Disciplinary Interfaces Program Fellowship

报告内容:Low sensitivity and little chemical information are the bane of many biological studies and hamper our understanding of natural phenomena. Spectroscopy and electrochemical methods lie at the heart of development of microscopic imaging techniques and sensors at the molecular and cellular level. We develop novel, sensitive and label-free methods for molecular imaging and use them for in vitro and in vivo studies. 
