10月23-Tetsuro Majima教授-Single-Molecule, Single-Particle Approaches for Exploring the Structure and Kinetics of Nanocatalysts


题  目:Single-Molecule, Single-Particle Approaches for Exploring the Structure and Kinetics of Nanocatalysts
报告人: Tetsuro Majima教授  
主持人:田阳 教授
时  间:10月23日16:00
地  点:中山北路校区理科大楼A510室

报告人简介:Tetsuro Majima教授是国际著名的光化学家,日本大阪大学科学与工程研究所教授,兼任大阪大学材料分析中心主任。目前主要从事介孔光催化剂的制备及其在生物和环境方面的应用,单分子光化学反应、三维纳米复合材料制备与应用、DNA损伤与DNA动力学研究等。现任美国化学会著名刊物《Langmuir》高级编辑,在国际高水平杂志上发表各类学术论文百余篇,专著多部。

报告内容简介:We have succeeded the in situ observation of photochemical reactions on individual nanoobjects of solid catalysts using single-molecule, single-particle fluorescence spectroscopy. The use of high-resolution imaging techniques with suitable fluorogenic probes enables us to determine the location of the catalytically active sites that are related to the structural heterogeneities on the surface of the solid catalyst and the temporal fluctuation of photochemical reactivity. We have succeeded the real-time observation of metastable gold nanoclusters in polymer matrices at the single-cluster level. We would like to encourage researchers to explore the nanoworld in terms of practical applications in many fields such as fundamental physics and chemistry.
